Welcome To Borden Grammar School's Weather Station

The site is divided into 3 sections, the first being our original weather station site Data from this site spans the period August 2013 to April 2023, though the rain gauge decided to give up the ghost in early 2023 during the wettest spring in ninety years, so rain data for early 2023 is incomplete.   This station has been replaced with our current Davis Vantage Vue system, data from which is available on our new weather station page .

As well as stored data, we also hold a library of stop frame animations of the weather taken from a roof mounted camera pointing North from the school up Central Avenue. These, and photos of the current conditions can be found here.

Our Oregon Scientific WMR88 Our current Davis Vantage Vue Years worth of stop frame weather videos
Old Weather Station
Data from 08/2013 - 04/2023
New Weather Station
Data from 04/2023 on
Weather Camera Archive
08/2016 to present